Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2008

Politik International

Nachrichten, wie sie der Deutsche nicht lesen darf

- Wir sind für die Pressefreiheit -

England und der Vatikan beschuldigt

am Mordversuch an Präsident Putin

Berichten im Kreml zufolge beschuldigt die Föderale Garde des Präsidenten Putin den Vatikan und den Britischen Geheimdienst MI-5 eines fehlgeschlagenen Mordversuches am Präsidenten der russischen Föderation.

Die Beschuldigungen wurden von der Föderalen Garde erhoben, nachdem die Attentäter gefaßt wurden, so wie der Nachrichtendienst der russischen Zeitung Kommersant berichtet:
"Drei bewaffnete Armenier wurden in der Nähe von Wladimir Putins Residenz in Novo Ogarevo gefaßt," berichtete die Komsomolckaja Prawda.
"Die Armenier in Fahrzeugen der Marke Audi und Mercedes näherten sich gegen 22 Uhr der Datscha des Präsidenten und wurden sofort von Offizieren der Föderalen Garde verhaftet. Die Durchsuchung ergab, daß die Verhafteten im Besitz von Messern, Pistolen und einem Säbel waren. Ihre Identität wird derzeitig überprüft."

Das Verhör der Attentäter wurde vom FSB geleitet und ergab, daß es sich um bezahlte Söldner des britischen Geheimdienstes MI-5 handelte. In ihrem Besitz befindliche Reisedokumente zeigten ihren kürzlichen Besuch beim Vatikan und sie gaben zu, daß sie für ihre 'Mission' mit mehr als einer Million Dollar bezahlt wurden.

Das Verwirrendste daran ist, daß diese Ereignisse mit den US-Berichten übereinstimmen, die Putins Ermordung für den 7. Januar 2008 voraussagten. (Bericht darüber im wie auch Kommersant am 13. Dezember darüber berichtete:) "Ein Bericht, genannt 'Alternativen für die Zukunft Russlands' wird heute von der NGO 'CSIS' (Center for Strategic and International Studies) herausgegeben. Neben der üblichen Kritik an der Demokratie Russlands, sind einige Teile dieses Berichtes geradezu phantastisch. Eine der Zukunfts-Alternativen des Berichtes enthält ein Szenario, das sich um die mögliche Ermordung des Russischen Präsidenten Vladimir Putin am 7. Januar 2008 in Moskau rankt. Der Washington-Korrespondent Dmitri Sidorov von Kommersant hat diesen Bericht gelesen.

Die Autoren dieses 59-seitigen Berichtes sind der Direktor des CSIS Russland und Eurasien-Programmes Andrew Kuchins, der frühere Senior-Direktor für Russische Angelegenheiten des NSC (National Security Council) Thomas Graham, der Assistent des Professors der International Affairs der George Washington Universität Henry Hale, das Senior-Mitglied des Peterson Instituts für Internationale Wirtschaft Anders Aslund, sowie weitere Autoren. Auf dem Bericht befinden sich 5 Photografien: der Russische Präsident Vladimir V. Putin mit den Führern der G8, Putin mit dem Chinesischen Präsidenten Hu Jintao, und der Träger der US-Neocon-Auszeichnung "Flame Award" des Jahres 1991 Garry Kasparov sowie je ein Photo schneebedeckter Oelförderanlagen und Kinder bei der Computer-Ausbildung.

Spannungen zwischen England und Russland haben nicht aufgehört sich rapide zu verschlechtern, seit Moskau die Schließung von britischen diplomatischen Büros als Antwort auf die Ausweisung Russischer Diplomaten aus London anordnete. Am schockierendsten war für Moskau jedoch in der sich ausweitenden Krise mit England die Nachricht über den früheren Britischen Premierminister Tony Blair, der noch der Anglikanischen Kirche vorstand, seinem Glauben abschwor und und zum Katholizismus konvertierte und so mit Roms Schwarzem Papst eine Allianz bildete (Schwarzer Papst = Jesuitenpater Kalvenbach - siehe Globale Politik im was gegenüber dem Kreml praktisch einer Kriegserklärung gleichkommt, da Blair vorgesehen ist für die Präsidentschaft der Europäischen Union. Dies stellt ohnehin eine Verrat an der Europäischen Bevölkerung durch ihre Führer im Einvernehmen mit Rom dar.

Dabei ist wichtig, daß Irland das einzige Land ist, das die Unterzeichnung des neuen EU-Vertrages abgelehnt hatte, ohne zuvor in einer Volksabstimmung die eigene Bevölkerung dazu zu befragen. Dieses Recht wurde allen anderen Europäischen Bürgern verwehrt.

Russlands Experten haben lange das Wiedererstarken Roms als Weltmacht befürchtet, begründet in den Erfahrungen der letzten Jahrhundert und zweier Weltkriege, die das Leben von über 200 Millionen forderte und Russland unter die Knute einer 70-jährigen Brutalherrschaft der seitens der Briten und Amerikaner installierten kommunistischen Herrschaft, was den Westmächten erlaubte in ungeahntem Maße ihre militärische Stärke auszubauen. Es liegen uns Filmaufnahmen vor, wie Lenin in New York von John Rockefeller die Finanzierung für die "Bolschewistische Revolution" erhielt. Lenin, wie auch Rockefeller sind beide jüdischer Abstammung.

Zur Unzufriedenheit der Westmächte, im Verbund mit dem Schwarzen Papst Kalvenbach (Jesuit), ist Russland das letzte Hindernis zur Errichtung einer Welt-Hegemonie des One World Government um einen Krieg zwischen dem Christentum gegen den Islam vom Zaum zu brechen - wogegen Putin mit seiner ausgleichenden Politik und Verteidigung der Islamischen Völker angeht.

Und nach Meinung von Rumpelstilz ist Russland mit Präsident Putin die letzte Bastion der Freiheit in der Welt. Geht Russlands Freiheit unter, dann geht auch die ganze Welt unter. Diese Beurteilung erlaube ich mir, weil ich Russland aus eigenem Erleben kenne.

Interessant ist dabei, daß die Westmächte nahezu das gleiche Prozedere anwenden um die Welt in einen totalen Krieg zu stürzen, wie dies bereits vor hundert Jahren der Fall war, in dem die eigene Wirtschaft radikal ruiniert wird und die Arbeitslosen und hungernden Menschen verlieren dabei aus der Sicht, was das Militär des eigenen Landes macht ( -N.B. jetzt Anfang Januar 2008 wurden in Deutschland 60.000 Wehrpflichtige einberufen.)

Возле дачи Путина задержали людей с оружием
24 декабря 2007, 16:48

У подмосковной резиденции президента РФ Владимира Путина задержали троих армян с оружием.
Сейчас их проверяют сотрудники милиции.
Как пишет
«Комсомольская правда», две иномарки Audi и Mercedes появились возле загородной резиденции Владимира Путина в Ново-Огарево накануне около десяти вечера. Подъехали почти вплотную, и их моментально остановили сотрудники ФСО.
Охрана тщательно осмотрела машины, в которых оказались трое армян. И обнаружила у мужчин целый арсенал оружия – ножи, пистолеты и даже саблю. Всех троих сразу же забрали в милицию. В отделении задержанные рассказали, что приехали из Нижегородской области в гости. И у резиденции главы государства оказались случайно – заблудились. Насколько правдивы объяснения, предстоит еще установить.
Сейчас задержанных допрашивают, проверяют их личности и прошлое. По словам источника КП, мужчинам грозит уголовное дело – за незаконное хранение оружия.

Verbundene Links:
Blair, who is now a Middle East peace envoy, met Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican in June.
Providing for a new European boss who will serve a five-year term will allow the EU to scrap the current and often confusing system in which EU countries take turns at holding the presidency for six months at a time. Such senior posts usually go to seasoned European politicians who have international stature. Already mentioned are former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, currently a Mideast envoy
New York's Federal Reserve chief Tim Geithner echoed the words, warning of an "adverse self-reinforcing dynamic", banker-speak for a downward spiral. The Fed has broken decades of practice by inviting all US depositary banks to its lending window, bringing dodgy mortgage securities as collateral.
Goldman Sachs caused shock last month when it predicted that total crunch losses would reach $500bn, leading to a $2 trillion contraction in lending as bank multiples kick into reverse. This already seems humdrum.
Where will it end? A fresh study by Morgan Stanley warns that the big banks face a further $200bn of defaults in commercial property. On it goes.
© Copyright Rumpelstilz



Wednesday 2 January 2008 02:18

Henry M. Paulson, the Secretary of the United States Treasury, died today from gunshot wounds suffered as described in this report. The State Department have confirmed this to sources in touch with this service. We do not know, and it may never be known, whether Paulson was shot dead 'in the course of duty' given that he had continually committed gross treason in time of war and had repeatedly (we are informed) been warned of the consequences if he did not cease and desist.

It should be added, in the interests of justice, that although Paulson committed the financial crimes described in these reports with great arrogance, it is also the case that he did these things at the urging of and in collusion with the Bush Crime Family, as every informed observer is well aware.

It is also reported to us that following our revelation in the report below that Benazir Bhutto was assassinated by a CIA-controlled Special Forces team, Scotland Yard is investigating her murder.The text of this report is left unaltered from the text that was posted overnight, in the early hours of 2nd January, British time. Account should be taken of the fact that Paulson has died...

We have received separate confirmations from military sources that the figure of 127 stated below for the number of 'targets' in the United States (excluding Europe) is ACCURATE.

We have also just learned that the fire at the Bush Family property in Odessa, Texas, was associated with a further Special Forces operation to retrieve Bush Family documents hidden there. In the text below, the Editor suggested that documents might be stored there, and this proves to be correct.




On or around Friday 28th December 2007, Henry M. Paulson Jr., Secretary of the US Treasury, was shot at close range in the chest. He was reported to be in a critical condition on New Year’s Eve, and was thought unlikely to make it overnight. At about 7.00pm UK time on 1st January 2008, Henry Paulson was still alive, with the bullet lodged in his chest. Sources stated that he was too weak to be operated upon, which implied that he was thought unlikely to survive.The US Treasury Department’s Public Engagements Schedule, published on the official Treasury website by the Press Department, stated: ‘No events Currently Scheduled from December 22 – January 4’.

On Saturday 29th December 2007, a close aide of Vice President Richard Cheney, in his mid-40s, was shot at close range in the chest, and died.

A list of 127 senior people in the United States alone who have been targeted for assassination, is reported by reliable sources to exist. A separate list of assassination targets applicable to European perpetrators of financial theft also exists, but the number of individuals on that list is unknown.

President George Bush Sr. (a.k.a. ‘41’, or ‘the Godfather’) was recently arrested and held in custody for at least three days. It is not known whether he is still in custody, but what IS known is that Bush Sr. is believed no longer to be a ‘threat’, given that his card and other access to stolen funds is now precluded. His accounts were reportedly frozen some considerable time ago.

Reports that President George Bush Jr. found a severed horse’s head inside his bed at Crawford, Texas, before Christmas, are hereby confirmed. The head was severed from one of Bush Jr.’s most prized and cherished horses, worth an estimated $350,000. The Editor does not watch films, but knows that a severed horse’s head was used in similar fashion in a film called The Godfather. The severed equine head was placed in the President’s bed on the instructions of Russian intelligence, according to sources special to this service. To penetrate the tight security at Crawford, it would have been necessary for extraordinary measures to be taken, for the intended outcome to be achieved. Russia is of course one of the countries that has required payment under the overall financial Settlement, which Paulson, Bush Jr. et al had been blocking.It is believed that the horse’s head incident occurred after the shooting of Paulson. It may have reflected retaliation against purported threats against the life of President Putin [see below].

It was also reported to us by a very high-level source on 21st December that both Bush Sr. and former President Clinton had been blackmailing President George Bush Jr., in a further escalation of the ‘rats in a sack’ syndrome. Rats concentrate exclusively on eating the disgusting food that is before them, and on nothing else – with no forward-thinking in evidence: the very pattern, in fact, of the criminal behaviour that we have been describing since June 2006.

Separately, the Midland-Reporter-Telegram filed a report on 28th December 2007 that a fire was reported at 3.04 am on Thursday 27th December at a property in Odessa, Texas, owned by the Bush Family. According to Odessa Fire Marshal Detra White, the Bush property is/was located at 4919 University Boulevard on the University of Texas of the Permian Basin campus. The property, which had been converted into a ‘museum’ (and document storage facility?), is leased from the University.The wooden house was charred around the front door and the edges of the roof, with the front door, its surrounding area completely destroyed, and the attic severely degraded by fire. The rest of the property sustained extensive smoke and fire damage. The City of Odessa Public Information Coordinator, Andrea Goodson, and Detra White told the newspaper that it had been determined that the fire was an arson attack, and that an investigation was under way.A knowledgeable US source, questioned about this particular incident in the morning of 28th December, agreed without equivocation that high-level feuding was taking place: and that was before intelligence about the shootings became available. The initial basis for the outline detail of the Paulson shooting came from several separate US intelligence sources, augmented by one European intelligence source, who indicated the part of the body where Paulson was shot. The intelligence was updated to our satisfaction from multiple sources on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. Speculation persists that President Bush Jr. himself may have ordered the assassination after Paulson used his 'blackmail card' against the Bush Family once too often. Obviously, this construction remains hypothetical at this point.

Paulson is/was believed to be of Israeli origin, or have/had dual nationality and to possess an Israeli passport, his real first name being something other than Henry. Paulson is known to have conveyed a substantial sum of money illegally to Israel – presumably (though this is deduction on the Editor’s part) in exchange for remuneration for ‘safekeeping’ services. In an extraordinary twist, Mr Paulson undertook to pay what the Israelis had demanded, but then reportedly double-crossed them: not a wise thing to do.Separate Jewish sources with whom the Editor discussed this aspect of the matter did not express surprise at a state of affairs that may appear quite extraordinary to people who are not of Jewish extraction: but then it is well known that a state of near warfare exists within the Israeli intelligence community (at a higher level of bitterness than also prevails in all the other key countries, given the lethal intensity of the subterranean intelligence war that is destroying civilisation).

The Editor is quite naturally aghast at these developments. Treason attracts the death penalty, but although a bloodbath was anticipated in earlier reports in this series, for summary execution in this manner to be on the menu reminds us all of Stalin’s USSR. It is a fact, however, that Henry Paulson received, we are told, repeated warnings that he must immediately cease and desist from blocking the Wanta and ‘country’ payments, and from his blackmail threats. He paid no attention to any of these warnings.When told of these hideous developments on 1st January, Ambassador Lee Wanta was shocked.

In parallel with these events, Kommersant News Service and Komsomoskaya Pravda (controlled by Russian intelligence) reported over the turn of the year that three Armenians armed with knives, pistols and a sabre were detained on 23rd December near the residence of GRU-President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in Novo-Ogarevo. The Russian media sources stated that under interrogation the Armenians had revealed that they were ‘paid mercenaries’ of MI5 and ‘had in their possession travel documents linking them to a recent visit to the Vatican' where, they said, they had been paid more than $1.0 million for their ‘mission’ to assassinate the Russian President. This ‘information’ is included here because sources believe that allegations of assassination threats against the Russian President are likely to be related to the crumbling of the criminalist façade of ‘omerta’ (silence) that, pre-Wantagate, had hitherto prevented exposure of the scale of the fraudulent finance perpetrated by officials in collusion with the banks. Recently, a previously unknown figure with ‘high Kremlin connections’ called Stanislav Belkovsky, who appears to enjoy a ‘special licence’ to criticise the top Russian leadership, alleged that Putin had amassed a fortune worth $40 billion during his eight years in power, thanks inter alia to his purported ownership of a 37% stake in the oil exploration company Surgutneftegaz, a 4.5% stake in Gazprom, the state energy giant, and at least 50% of Gunvor, a Swiss-based oil trading firm that has won a series of Russian state contracts.

The Israelis are now holding two Americans hostage, pending receipt of the payment that they say they are owed. We have no idea what sum of money is involved. On New Year’s Eve, it was announced that President Bush would be travelling to the Middle East for nine days. On enquiring what the purpose of this trip might be, we obtained from sources the following explanations:1. Bush Jr. will be travelling inter alia to Israel, to settle up with the Israelis.2. Bush Jr., will be moving stolen money from locations such as Dubai and Iraq, to various alternative locations where he may consider the funds would be safer. One of the locations falling into that category would be Israel.Payment to the ‘country recipients’, who have been waiting patiently since we first ‘encountered them’ at the time of the IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings back in October 2007, was to have been effected before Christmas, and according to our sources President Bush Jr. signed off on relevant documentation which was handed to Supreme Court Justices (‘Black Robes’) on or around 23rd December. Bush II then proceeded, as is his wont, to renege on what he had signed.

It is thought that this latest setback was one of the extreme ‘last straw’ factors that prompted the drastic action that has been taken over the Christmas Holidays, with, it is believed, more to come. We are quite seriously informed that high on the list of people purportedly thought to be in immediate danger of being shot at point-blank range (literally) are Dr Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, and Michael Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland Security. We merely report what we have been told; and in the context of the confirmed intelligence cited above, we regard this horrendous information as credible.

At about 9.30am on Wednesday 19th December, fire broke out in the Old (Eisenhower) Executive Office Building close to the White House (an area that is largely blocked off to normal traffic). The DC Fire Department reported that the fire was brought under control within an hour. According to the Fire Department’s website, the fire was said to have started in an electrical closet in Vice President Cheney’s suite of ceremonial offices. Secret Service spokesman Darrin Blackford said that the 19th century building located at 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue in Northwest Washington, was evacuated as a precaution. Firefighters poured water onto the blaze (which should not be done in the case of an electrical fire) and moved furniture onto a balcony.DC Fire Department spokesman Alan Etter told NBC news that ‘there is an adult male who is described to me as being a US Marine, who was known to have been on the fifth floor when the smoke began accumulating up in that area. He apparently had to use his hands to break out of a window on the fifth floor and then climb out onto the ledge. He suffered a laceration to his hand. He was treated at the scene and refused transportation to hospital’.The Mayor of Washington, Adrian Fenty, and the DC Fire Chief Dennis Rubin made it clear that ‘national security concerns’ had made it impossible for them to reveal where and how the fire started (even though it had been reported that it had broken out, see above, in the electrical closet). Yet the Secret Service took over the fire investigation, after preventing Washington area fire investigators from entering the building, and almost at the same time stating that it had already concluded that the fire was not started deliberately. Neither was the fire said to be a terrorist attack. The ‘mainstream media’ ignored the fire almost as soon it had been featured on CNN.

Our own special ‘deep’ sources confirm, however, that the fire was a distraction to provide cover for a Special Forces team that had been sent into the Old Executive Office Building to retrieve sensitive materials needed for the massive investigations that are going on behind the scenes (about which, naturally, the Editor has no information, and cannot be expected to obtain any, for obvious reasons). The Special Forces team was successful in obtaining the materials that it had been tasked to procure. It is believed that the materials are related to the corruption crisis.The investigations were triggered inter alia when Ambassador Lee Wanta and his diplomatic colleagues were kicked out of Citibank’s offices at 399 Park Avenue in Midtown New York on 20th November 2007, as previously reported. On that occasion, when George Bush Sr. was present with Robert Rubin in the bank’s executive offices, Rubin ordered the owners of the building, Boston Properties, to have the Ambassador and his colleagues removed from the premises, under the watchful eye of two armed NYPD cops. That event was one of the factors that resulted in the entire crisis being ratcheted up by several steep notches, although the momentum of events has in any case made the showdown and even the hideous blood-letting – that we predicted – seem inevitable, for some time.

Quelle: - Eine oft hochinformative Webseite für Leser in der Wüste deutscher Pressezensur.

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